On this page, I try to make it as easy as possible for you to get an idea of the cost of the various services we offer. I replace a lot of broken springs, so we’ll start there. Then we’ll talk about openers. Finally, new door quotes. As far as I know, no other company is trying to show prices like this. I welcome your feedback. Contact me or text me your thoughts. Please click on any text in blue to see further information or an illustrative photo.
Broken Spring Replacement
Extension springs. This is an easy one. It costs $225 to have us replace both extension springs on your door. Please text me pictures of your door to make sure you qualify for this offer.
Torsion springs. Does your door have one torsion spring or two? If your garage door has only one torsion spring, the cost to replace it is $300. If your garage door has two springs, the cost to replace both of them is $400. This offer covers garage doors that I consider to be normal doors that are found on normal houses. If you live in a mansion, maybe your door is something unusual, such as an extra large or extra heavy door. Those doors will require springs that need to be ordered and are not included in this offer.
Torquemaster springs. Normally I do a conversion to torsion springs for Wayne Dalton doors with a broken Torquemaster. If your door is a single wide door, that service costs $400. If it’s a doublewide door, the cost is $500.
Warranty for spring replacements
I warranty torsion spring replacements and Torquemaster conversions to torsion for 3 years, parts and labor.
I warranty extension spring replacements for one year, parts and labor.
At this time I do not offer replacement of springs on one-piece doors
Garage Door Openers
Prices for new garage door openers

Install customer supplied garage door opener
Basic installation* $200
Includes Trip Charge, Labor and motor mount materials
Install additional customer supplied garage door opener same visit $175
*Door bracing, special operator brackets, quick turn top fixtures, installation in garages with ceilings over 10′ high, garage door repairs, custom installations not included.